
Omrat Al Tamato3

It has been narrated from al-Baqir [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali] (peace be upon him) that: “As long as a person is looking at the Ka’bah, good deeds will be written (in his record) and one’s evil deeds will be erased until one turns away one’s glance (from the Ka’bah).”

Year after year I used to watch the hujjaj through the tv screen. With tears in my eyes. Just by looking at it from a distance miles away. It shakes my every being.
Imagine now. That you stand in front of it. Imagine that Allah chose you from all these millions of ppl. To come and visit His house. Imagine that you hear from all corners people calling out to our Lord.

Our group gathers together and we split into smaller groups. You enter with a bit of fear, cause you’ve heard so many stories about how ppl get crushed while doing tawaf. As you step closer to the door of the holy mosque. All fear disappears, all that you hear is your heart beat and the prayers of hujjaj from inside the mosque.
The first look of Mecca. Of the Holy Kaaba. Will always stay with you. To this very day. Now almost a year ago. Every time I close my eyes, I can see it in front of me. I can still feel the light air hitting my face. I can still hear ppl from all corners of the world, Reading the holy Quran. I still can feel the soothing feeling of walking on the marble floor.

The first time you look at the Kaaba, its like being embraced by your mother that you haven’t seen in a while. A piece of heaven, noor upon noor. A sight that leaves you speechless. You just stand there all you can say is Allahu akbar, because in that moment, every inch of you feels the greatness of Allah.
Every inch of you can feel his Mercy. Your heart gets filled with love. You feel Allah’s greatness. You feel so close to Allah, As if He is holding you in his embrace. You get so overwhelmed that you forget to speak, you forget everything. You just let your tears fall down. When you first have looked at the kaaba you can never take your eyes of it. You forget who you are, what’s your name, where you came from. You forget your family and friends. All that you are is a servant. And in Mecca is where you want to stay forever.

When you enter the crowd of ppl that are doing tawaf in the first moment you feel afraid. Cause youre getting pushed from all sides. Our group which I cherish dearly, gathered us women in the middle. And made the men be in a circle around us. To protect us. In the front the head of the group starts reciting the recommended duas of each tawaf. And we say it after him. One of the difficult things that you might face in your first time doing tawaf is to remember not to turn your shoulders to the Kaaba or against the Kaaba. Your body is shaking cause its so close to this piece of heaven. Even though people are pushing you from all corners. You feel safe. Allah is here to protect you.

Of all the things I have done and achieved in my life. These simple tawafs was the happiest and most peaceful moments, and just remembering it, I return back to that peaceful state of mind.. No money, no wealth, no education or worldly achievements could give you that feeling. Here souls that didn’t want anything but to please its Master, has marked its footsteps. He has blessed me and opened His door. To visit his house. This is the ground that Prophets and Imams before me has walked on. While doing the tawaf you see the holy door that the Prophet (pbuh) and Imam Ali (as) entered to destroy the statues. You see the crack which from Fatima Bint Asad entered and gave birth to imam Ali (as) ,which they try to hide. But Allah’s miracles cant be hidden. Maqam Ibrahim, where the prophets footprints got stamped while building the Kaaba.This is what true happiness is. People used to walk for miles and years to see this noor upon noor, this blessed peace of heaven on earth.

After finishing the 7 tawafs and praying the two obligatory rakats for the tawafs. We went to drink from water Zam-zam. When I was little whenever I got sick my mother used to give me some of it to drink.
But the feeling when you drink it at this holy place. It cleanses your soul and heart from all evil. It leaves you filled with nothing but Allahs love and mercy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hei good comentari

2:58 AM  

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