
Ishtaqna Laky Ya Tayba

During my stay in Medina. We visited the holy places there.

Our first stop was masjid Qiba.

which was the first mosque to be built. when you enter that mosque its like going back in time. to the time of the Prophet. You feel his presence. you can see how the muslims used to work together to built this house of God. You can see Bilal stand on the top calling for prayer. You can see the first muslims praying their first salat together.

The reward for praying two ruk2ats at Mosque Qiba, is equivalent to that of one Umrah. Also, those who get to recite Surat al-Hajj in Mosque Qiba are, God willing, guaranteed a return to the Hajj anew!
We didnt have much time so we did only the two ruk2ats. But I hope and I pray, That God will grant me another visit to His house.

After finishing our salat there, we went to visit Hamza.
My beloved Hamza. Ever since I was a little kid. and saw "the Message" I have had this strong relationship with him. As if he was my older brother. And I had missed him so much. that when i heard the leader of the group saying we were on our way to visit Hamza. I was already in tears. when we reached the place. My heart was aching.

My beloved Hamza, The one that just by hearing his name would make his enemies shake with fear. A man so strong, so humble in front of God and his Prophet. Martyred on this piece of land. with nothing but a stone on his grave. Oh Hamza what have they done to you. They had put huge speakers there. with sayings such as. dont pray for the diceased. They had put huge signs of this is haram and that is haram.
and two guards in front of his holy grave. making sure we wont be able to come near the walls.

They would laugh at us when they saw us reading zyarat and making remarks such as kafir and bid3a. We were so in dispear so broken hearted that we couldnt find any strength only by doing salawat.
Oh Hamza look what they are doing to the followers of beloved Prophet. I was calling for hamza inside my heart. I was reading his zyarat with tears running down my face.
Close as my father and mother you are my beloved Hamza. I didnt want to leave his grave. How can I leave you Hamza, when i just found. I still havent cried enough tears for you. I still havent told you all what i wanted to say. I still havent got enough of your presence. May Allah grant me the blessing of visiting you again. May Allah grant me the blessing of being close to you in this life and the here after.

The place where Hamza was martyred and buried is the place where the battle of uhud
was being held. to see how such a holy land where the most honorable muslims were killed being so disrespected is heartbreaking. on the jabal il rimal they would have sellers filling the whole jabal, to sell to visitors. as if this place is more of an attraction than a holy place.
and the place where the Prophet's (pbuh) tent was set up, is now nothing but a parking lot place.
but still to this very day, the place of the tent can still be seen. No matter how much they try to hide the miracles of God and his belivers they wont be able too.


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